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WATCH: Solidarity Demonstrations in Florida Support National Prison Strike Day

Members of Everglades Earth First, including GJEP’s Ruddy Turnstone, took part in protests in solidarity with National Prison Strike Day held Sept. 9.

Via Evergladesearthfirst.net

On Friday, September 9, protesters with Black Lives Matter Alliance Broward, South Florida Food Not Bombs, Everglades Earth First!, and more, gathered for a two-hour noise demonstration at the Broward County Main Jail in downtown Ft. Lauderdale to show solidarity with the prison strikes taking place across the country. Armed with buckets, whistles, drums, and megaphones, the 30-or-so protesters filled the streets with music, sang songs of solidarity and struggle, and spoke out against incarceration and the police state. Inmates inside gathered at the windows and waved, held up fists, and banged against the glass to the beat of the music.

Visit Evergladesearthfirst.net for more coverage from last week’s actions.

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