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Virtual Event Sunday July 9 (5pm – 6:30pm PT): Human Rights and Non-Intervention in Nicaragua

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Green Sunday: Human Rights and Non-Intervention in Nicaragua Today


Event Details:

 Green Sundays are a series of free public programs & discussions on topics “du jour” sponsored by the Green Party of Alameda County and held on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

  • Host: Green Party of Alameda County
  • Time: July 9, 2023, 5:00 PM – 6:30pm Pacific Time (US and Canada)
  • Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88083342274
    • Meeting ID: 880 8334 2274
    • One tap mobile
    • +12532158782,,88083342274# US (Tacoma)
    • +13017158592,,88083342274# US (Washington DC)
    • Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    • Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k39IUnw59


Myrna Santiago, Don Macleay, and Diana Bohn will discuss the current situation in Nicaragua and what it means for the US solidarity movements and the Green Party. The speakers have been involved in Nicaraguan society, solidarity, and the support of human rights dating back to the time of the Sandinista Popular Revolution 1979-1990.

There will be a presentation followed by open discussion.


Additional information:

Additional Information on the talk and the speakers can be found on the Green Party Alameda County Website

According to the event page:  “In the view of the speakers, the current government of Nicaragua has the Sandinista name, but not the revolutionary practice, the human rights record and has lost the support of almost all of the original generation of Sandinistas. From 2018 to today, repression has ramped up, civil rights have been eliminated and democratic practice only exists in name.

The challenge for the democratic left, solidarity movements and the Green Party USA is to both support civil rights and oppose foreign intervention. We need to stand up against political repression in all parts of the world.  At the same time, respect for other national sovereignty is something we should do for all nations, especially the countries where our state department has a long history of interference.”

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