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Mongabay: Genetically engineered trees stoke climate hope — and environmental fears

Mongabay: Genetically engineered trees stoke climate hope — and environmental fears

Juliette Portala article, Genetically engineered trees stoke climate hope — and environmental fears, appeared July 27, 2023 on the Mongabay website. 

Note: Anne Petermann, the cofounder of the Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) was interviewed for the article, at one point stating “Besides my concerns about [Living Carbon’s] nonchalant attitude about changing the evolutionary trajectory of trees, I have found their hype to be a bit over-the-top.

The article can be read in full on the Mongabay Website.

Key points from the article include: 

  • U.S. climate technology startup Living Carbon has been developing genetically engineered poplar trees that it says can absorb more carbon – a potential tool in the climate crisis.
  • Some experts say the company lacks long-term field data and is rushing to commercialize its “supertrees,” potentially putting other species at risk.
  • Despite such concerns, Living Carbon is going ahead and planting mixed forests that include its GE trees, funded by carbon offsets.

For more information about genetically engineered trees, visit the site of The Campaign to STOP GE Trees.

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