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Foreign and indigenous environmentalists discuss cultivation of transgenic eucalyptus in MS (June 27, 2023)

A  June 27, 2023 article, originally published in Portuguese on ITAPORANEWS.COM focused on the delegation’s meeting with the Public Ministry of Labor, indigenous leaders, directors, professors and students, at UFMS (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul ) from Três Lagoas.

During the meeting concerns were raised about the cultivation of transgenic eucalyptus (the fastest growing crop in the state) and the use of pesticides. The municipality is home to several pulp industries, and the industry is expected to expand.

Researchers pointed out that transgenic trees can impact small farmers, indigenous and traditional communities due to the use of pesticides in plantations, such as eucalyptus. Participants reported experiences with the negative impacts of genetically modified crops.

The article can be read in its entirety on the ITAPORANEWS.COM website.

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