Celebrating our 20th Anniversary

Fiscal Sponsorship

When GJEP identifies a group or organization whose non-for-profit work closely aligns with our mission, we may support their important work by becoming a fiscal sponsor. This helps them minimize bureaucracy so they can focus on their crucial work for ecological and social justice, forest protection and/or human rights.

Biofuelwatch provides information, advocacy and campaigning in relation to the climate, environmental, human rights and public health impacts of large-scale industrial bioenergy. Their campaigns include #AxeDraxEnd Biomass SubsidiesGeoengineering, and Biotechnology for Biofuels. Biofuelwatch also opposes genetically engineered trees and is a founding steering committee member of the International Campaign to Stop GE Trees.
The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network‘s mission is to promote food sovereignty and democratic decision-making on science and technology issues in order to protect the integrity of the environment, health, food, and the livelihoods of people in Canada and around the world by facilitating, informing and organizing civil society action, researching, and providing information to government for policy development.
The Center for Grassroots Organizing is a project for helping organize mass social movements. This means space where people from different fields can spend time together, share resources, get creative, and build collaborative strategy. A place for the explosion of radical youth leadership to feel at home and skill-up as organizers. A place to apply our dedication to racial justice with boots on the ground and proactively sharing resources. A place for all of us to connect with the farming and agricultural community, to reconfigure our relationship with our unstable food systems in readiness for the impacts of climate change. A place to work on defending the natural world from the impositions of the corporate world.
Honduras Now connects human rights stories in Honduras to global issues and North American policy. They also examine human rights issues and provide on-the-ground analysis & educational resources for your social justice work.
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse:  Authored by grassroots, veteran organizers, movement strategists and thought leaders from across our climate and environmental justice movements, the third edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse is an easy-to-read, concise-yet-comprehensive compendium of the false corporate promises that continue to hoodwink elected officials and the public, leading us down risky pathways poised to waste billions of public dollars on a host of corporate snake-oil schemes and market-based mechanisms.  Please donate to Hoodwinked to help us translate into more languages,  share more books with frontline communities , and produce more audio and video updates.  Go to climatefalsesolutions.org to read online, order paper copies, listen to the audiobook, or watch webinars.
Plymouth Area Network To Help End Racism (NH PANTHER)’s mission is to help end racism and systemic bias through community engagement, direct mutual aid, education and curriculum reform, and youth empowerment. NH PANTHER is a collective of youth, professionals, educators, mentors, and friends standing up for the rights of all the disparaged and marginalized in our communities. Particularly, they are here for the youth. They are here for all the youth whose lives deserve better than to witness or be subjected to police brutality, whose lives deserve better than to feel fear from within their community, whose lives deserve to be seen equally, whose lives deserve to be valued and seen sacred, whose lives deserve dignity. To learn more, you can also read NH Panther’s 2022 Annual Report.
REDD-Monitor explores the contradictions and controversy behind the harebrained scheme to allow continued greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels by offsetting these emissions against “avoided deforestation” in the Global South.
Save the Pine Barrens, Inc, is a Massachusetts non-profit corporation and is membership-based. Membership is open to the public.

Join Save the Pine Barrens/Community Land and Water Coalition and help us continue fighting to protect ecosystems, communities, and the climate from improperly sited and destructive solar, battery storage, and strip-mining projects. Members receive our biweekly newsletter. and timely updates. All member information is kept confidential and private and will not be shared with any other parties.

Click here if you would like to donate.
Shawnee Forest Defense works to protect the integrity of the Shawnee Forest. Shawnee Forest Defense is working to transfer the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois, out of the Department of Agriculture and into the Department of Interior to create the new Shawnee National Park and Climate Preserve.
Standing Trees Vermont works to protect, preserve and restore forests on Vermont’s federal and state public lands. Standing Trees Vermont envisions a future where forests on Vermont’s federal and state public lands are allowed to grow free from active management and logging. The forests will be free to continue recovering from decades of logging and other detrimental activities. The forests will be allowed to grow strong and old. The forests will be allowed to re-wild.
The Vermont Street Medics Hotline is a community-led, collectively organized volunteer network based out of central Vermont. We are street medics, clinical herbalists, medical professionals, midwives, first-aid providers, and community organizers. The collective is currently working to support people in Central Vermont without reliable shelter who have questions about coronavirus, general health concerns, and access needs (e.g. to transportation to coronavirus testing appointments, access to food and other basic needs). Our services include: a call-in hotline for coronavirus questions and general wellness needs; access to rides to COVID-19 testing sites; food and supply distribution to houseless community members temporarily sheltered in hotels or camping out; and ground support coordination with other organizations working with the houseless community. We offer this hotline and our ground-support services in the spirit of the Good Samaritan law.
The Itinerant University of Resistance (UNIR) in Haiti is a space to strengthen the work of community social organizations that fight for the defense of life and territory. UNIR promotes spaces for meetings, reflection, and action to strengthen collaboration among Haitian organizations and those from the rest of Abya Yala, thereby creating strategies and alternatives – structural and local, political and economic – towards the protection of lands, communities, agriculture, and nature.
Otros Mundos AC is a legally constituted Mexican non-profit civil association, made up of an interdisciplinary collective, that works for the defense of the Territory against extractive megaprojects, based in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. It does not pursue nor is it linked to political, business, partisan or religious interests and aims to contribute to the search for alternatives to the social, economic, political and environmental crisis that we are experiencing in the current system of capitalist domination.
Gainesville-Area Action for Environmental Justice is focused on development, environmental racism and climate justice in and around Gainesville, Florida.
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