Note: Global Justice Ecology Project was part of the group that co-founded the Durban Group in 2004. In his piece linked below, Chris Lang of REDD-Monitor who was present at the meeting, explains,
“In October 2004, about 20 climate and environmental activists met in Durban, South Africa. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the neoliberal false solution to climate change: carbon trading. After several days of discussions at the Glenmore Centre, the meeting produced a statement: The Durban Declaration on Carbon Trading.”
This groundbreaking document, which tore apart the idea that carbon emissions could be bought and sold as some kind of solution to the climate crisis, was used as a foundational document for the formation of future groups including Climate Justice Now! in Bali, Indonesia in 2007 which focused action demanding “system change not climate change” at annual UN Climate Conferences.