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NOTE: The following was sent to us from one of our contacts in Nicaragua.

Attack Report March 22, 2024 on Amtrukna Hill Mayangna Territory Sector One

On Friday, March 22, 2024 at around 3 am in the morning in the place called AM TRUKNA while the victim was sleeping at least 30 armed men attacked without saying a single word and thanks to the dogs that usually keep them that way. On the farm, the people who were in their plots woke up and were able to escape into the mountains while Mrs. Emelda Palacio ran to hide in the mountain. She received a bullet wound to her right arm, with the bullet coming out of her back, by those armed with a .22 rifle. While the others fired shotgun bullets and after the people hid, the armed men burned the home of Mrs. Emelda Palacios, now a victim, and they were able to go out to the community of Musawas and she was treated at the post. health to give her first-class attention. Then the Police that is located in Musawas entered the sector to pursue the armed men and they arrived at the place and found nothing, only the burning of the house and shotgun cartridges. Then they went out to Musawas and carried out investigations. The victim of the attack at the time, Mrs. E.P., relates that days before it happened she was threatened by the settlers and some Mayangna who were illegally selling land and that she alleges that she has been told several times that the land is not sold or recorded. But in the end, they ignore it, rather they attacked to kill, according to the versions obtained, the following happened.

On Monday, March 25, 2024, the Police in Musawas at approximately 4am arrived at the community of Sau Bi near the community of Suniwas, capturing Mr.  Eusebio Lacayo, 65 years old, Marvin Lacayo, 49 years old (Accused with an arrest warrant in the Kiwakumbaih massacre), Rafael Guzmán, 36 years old, and other mestizo settlers.

After the arrest of these gentlemen on Tuesday March 26, 2024 in the morning hours we were informed by a trusted source that the police had captured the settler accused of being the intellectual author of the attacks and massacres in the territory and being a usurper of indigenous land in this territory, sector 1, who is ARIEL CASTRO of the Santa Rosa mestizo community. It is  reported that the police are preparing a list of the Mayangna to capture since, according to the victim’s story, according to reports that she relates that this plan was made between the Mayangna and mestizos, videos and photos are handled that he was handed over to the Police but in this we are not talking about capturing settlers but rather that they are going against the Mayangna and also that Ariel Castro had been detained by the Bonanza police in the Kiwakumbaih massacre and was released for business between the uniformed men and lawyers since this Mr. Castro is a political circle, as always the police want to capture the Mayangna and free the armed settlers to take over mother earth and its resources. Days later the police release Mr. Saul Lacayo, Marvin Lacayo, Rafael Guzmán and leaving Mr. Eusebio Lacayo, 65 years old, originally from the community of Sau Bi, imprisoned.

We strongly denounce to international organizations the irregularities that exist in the Mayangna sector one territory, since every time the settlers are captured, the corrupt Mayangna authorities later release them and do business with the invaders of indigenous land, which is why we ask the human rights send a petition to the State of Nicaragua to comply with its duties and obligations.

The following is evidence from the attack in Amtrukna

evidencias durante el ataque en Amtrukna | evidence during the attack in Amtrukna
Balas de escopeta | Shotgun shells
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