Celebrating our 20th Anniversary

Heather Lee

Heather smiling with sand and water behind her. She has pale skin, short red hair with bangs that touch her tortoiseshell glasses, wearing a black top

Assistant Director

Heather Lee has spent over two decades researching, monitoring, and raising awareness about issues related to genetic engineering and the increasing corporate control of the global food system. 


Heather went to the University of Waterloo (Canada) to complete her Undergraduate and Masters degrees in the Faculty of Environment. Her masters thesis focused on the privatization of governance at the federal level and the increasing lack of transparency and accountability in policy-making processes.

Groups & Activism

While in school Heather was also on the Toronto Youth Food Policy Council, encouraging youth engagement in shaping policies concerning food sovereignty, and co-founded numerous community groups in Toronto.

She has been a Steering Committee member of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network since 2018 (volunteer since 2013) and has also collaborated with a number of community groups and co-ops including the National Farmers Union, Organic Council of Ontario, Canadian Organic Trade Association, and other non-GMO-focused distributors, farmers, producers, and retailers.

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