The December 14 2021 sign on letter to the Forest Stewardship Council demanding they not weaken their long-standing ban against GE trees, released in English, Spanish and Portuguese, was endorsed by 217 organizations from 74 countries. It was further endorsed by 1169 individuals. The list of organizations can be found below the letters.
Sign on letter in English, Spanish and Portuguese:
FSC: Protect forests from Genetically Engineered trees
December 15, 2021
Kim Carstensen, Director General, Forest Stewardship Council
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Protect our forests from Genetically Engineered tree threats
We, the undersigned, demand FSC reject GE trees.
Dear Mr. Carstensen,
We oppose Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) proposals to endorse field tests of genetically engineered (GE), also called genetically modified (GM) trees. The FSC must disassociate itself from any GE tree research activities and continue to clearly prohibit the commercial growing of GE trees.
The importance of FSC’s current prohibition on genetically engineered trees in FSC products is particularly critical given the recent Brazilian approval for commercial growing of a glyphosate-resistant GE eucalyptus tree, developed by the FSC-certified company Suzano. This new decision also shows the need to stop GE tree research by FSC members from moving ahead.
Genetically engineered trees threaten the future of our forests. They pose a wide range of possible environmental and social impacts that could increase over time as contamination spreads. FSC needs to continue to play a key role in preventing those impacts.
Genetically engineered trees are a threat to our collective future and have no place in FSC activities and FSC-certified products. The FSC needs to act to protect our forest ecosystems from GE trees rather than open the door to this dangerous experiment.
FSC: Proteja nuestros bosques de la amenaza de los árboles
December 14, 2021
Kim Carstensen, Director General
Forest Stewardship Council
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Proteja nuestros bosques de la amenaza de los árboles transgénicos
Las personas abajo firmantes exigimos a FSC que rechace los árboles transgénicos.
Nos oponemos a las propuestas del Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) para respaldar las pruebas de campo de árboles transgénicos, también llamados árboles modificados genéticamente o de ingeniería genética. FSC debe desvincularse de cualquier actividad de investigación con árboles transgénicos y seguir prohibiendo claramente el cultivo comercial de este tipo de árboles.
La importancia de la actual prohibición de FSC de los árboles transgénicos en los productos FSC es particularmente necesaria dada la reciente aprobación en Brasil del cultivo comercial de un eucalipto transgénico resistente al glifosato, desarrollado por la empresa Suzano, que está certificada por FSC. Esta nueva decisión también muestra la necesidad de impedir que la investigación de árboles transgénicos por parte de los miembros del FSC siga adelante.
Los árboles modificados genéticamente amenazan el futuro de nuestros bosques. Plantean una amplia gama de posibles impactos ambientales y sociales que podrían aumentar con el tiempo a medida que se extienda la contaminación. FSC tiene que seguir desempeñando un papel clave en la prevención de esos impactos.
Los árboles modificados genéticamente son una amenaza para nuestro futuro colectivo y no tienen cabida en las actividades y productos certificados por FSC. FSC debe actuar para proteger nuestros ecosistemas forestales de los árboles transgénicos en lugar de abrir la puerta a este peligroso experimento.
Conselho de Manejo Florestal / Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Protejamos nossas florestas da ameaça das árvores GE
December 14, 2021
Kim Carstensen, Director General
Forest Stewardship Council
Nós, abaixo assinados, exigimos que o FSC rejeite as árvores geneticamente modificadas.
Nós nos opomos às propostas do Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) de amparar testes de campo de árvores geneticamente modificadas, também chamadas de árvores de engenharia genética. O FSC deve se dissociar de qualquer atividade de pesquisa de árvores geneticamente modificadas e continuar a proibir claramente o cultivo comercial de árvores geneticamente modificadas.\
A importância da atual proibição do FSC de árvores geneticamente modificadas em produtos FSC é particularmente crítica dada a recente aprovação no Brasil do cultivo comercial de uma árvore de eucalipto geneticamente modificada para resistir o glifosato, desenvolvida por Suzano, empresa certificada pelo FSC. Esta nova decisão evidencia a necessidade de impedir que a pesquisa de árvores geneticamente modificadas pelos membros do FSC avance.
As árvores geneticamente modificadas ameaçam o futuro das nossas florestas, pois representam uma ampla gama de possíveis impactos ambientais e sociais que podem vir a aumentar com o tempo, à medida que a contaminação se espalha. O FSC precisa continuar a desempenhar um papel fundamental na prevenção desses impactos.
As árvores geneticamente modificadas são uma ameaça ao nosso futuro coletivo e não têm lugar nas atividades do FSC e nos produtos certificados pelo FSC. O FSC precisa agir para proteger nossos ecossistemas florestais das árvores geneticamente modificadas em vez de abrir a porta para esta experiência perigosa.
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão |
Movimento Ciência Cidadã |
Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia/aba-agroecologia |
La PANATA Integral SL |
usp |
350Kishwaukee |
Affirmations publishing house |
Amis de l’Afique Francophone- Benin (AMAF-BENIN) |
And Other Stories Publishing |
Animals Are Sentient Beings, Inc. |
APB’s Handiwork |
Atlantic Energy |
Auckland GE-free Coalition (AGEFC) |
Aztlan Media – Launch 2024 |
Bioscience Resource Project |
Bomenstichting Achterhoek |
Boreal Forest Wilderness Association |
Bozeman Birders |
Carbone Guinée |
Centro Ecológico |
Coalition for Justice |
College for Sustainable Abundance |
CommonGroundRising |
Coordinator, No Spray Coalition against pesticides |
Dark skies Paonia |
Dr. Steven Schram |
Earth |
Earth Ethics, Inc. |
eurobinia |
Fedco Trees, Inc. |
FIAN Deutschland |
Forum Ökologie & Papier |
Foundation Earth |
Free Food For Future |
Free University Berlin, Inst Biology |
Freetree |
Friends For Environmental Justice |
Friends of the Earth Australia |
Fundação Montescola |
Future Skimmed |
Gaia Poiesis |
GE Free New Zealand in Food and Environment |
Genethics Foundation |
Global Justice Ecology Project |
Global Justice Ecology Project |
GM Freeze |
GMO Free Kaua’i |
GMWatch |
Hazelwood Urban Ag Team |
Heartwood |
Hnutí DUHA – FoE CR |
Inside Passage Seeds |
Institute for Responsible Technology |
Kansas Progress Institute |
Kids Right To Know.Org |
Landelijk Netwerk Bossen- en Bomenbescherming |
Langelle Photography |
Western NY Peace Center |
Leefmilieu |
Mangrove Action Project |
MariSol Malibu |
mediation and project management agro biodiversity |
MELCA-Ethiopia |
Moving Toward Healthier |
network for good |
North Coast Environment Council |
NY Bar Association |
Occupy Bergen County (N.J.) |
Ode to Earth/Echoes of Silence |
Ole Siosiomaga Society Incorporated (OLSSI) |
Planetary Health, Inc. |
Protect Biodiversity in Public Forests |
R.I.S.K. Consultancy |
Redbud Audubon Society |
Samuel H Dodd |
SE Essex Organic Gardeners |
Southern Exposure Trust FSC Certified |
Sustainable Agriculture & Communities Alliance |
Taho! |
The Inga Foundation USA |
The Nuclear-Free Future Award Foundation |
Toronto Non-GMO Coalition |
tree crops new zealand |
tucradio |
Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community ( Community, uujec.orgic Community ( Community |
Viewood Limited |
Water Justice and Gender |
Williams Community Forest Project | | |
Comunidad Mapuche La Azotea |
ALTERNACTIVA – Acção Pela Emancipação Social |
Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales RADA |
Consorcio Agroecológico Peruano |
GMO Free Bolivia |
Glauca. |
Yo Soy Maíz |
RAPAM ( Pesticide Action Network Mexico) |
Consumidores Conscientes |
Somos Sur y Colectivo YO SOY SEMILLA y Bolivia Libre de Transgenicos |
Programa de Asistencia Agrobioenergetica al Campesino |
El Q’epi del trueque Bolivia |
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales |
Universidad Mayor de San Andres |
Comité Nacional de Defensa de la Democracia CONADE |
Comité Nacional de Defensa de la Democracia CONADE |
Berdeak Equo |
Universidad de Antioquia |
Colectivo VientoSur |
Ecologistes en Acció Catalunya |
Associació Silene |
@blogsostenible |
Verdes EQUO |
350 Butte County | |
AbibiNsroma Foundation |
abie raynsford |
Acción Ecológica |
ActionAid USA |
ASEED Europe |
Asociación Touda |
Athens County’s Future Action Network, |
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters |
Biofuelwatch |
Bromley Friends of the Earth |
Butte County Local Food Network |
Casa Baltimore Limay |
Chase Environmental Action Group |
Corporate Europe Observatory |
Dogwood Alliance |
Earth Education League |
Earth Thrive |
Eastern Cherokee Organization |
Endorois Welfare Council |
ETC Group |
Family Farm Defenders |
Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance |
Farmworker Association of Florida |
Food & Water Watch |
Food in Neighborhoods Community Coalition |
Friends of the Siberian Forests |
GE Free Comox Valley |
Genderccsa |
Global Reform |
GMO Free CT |
GMO Free Florida |
GMO/Toxin Free USA |
Haki Nawiri Afrika |
Harmonic Garden |
Hawai’i SEED |
Homeopat Terje Wulfsberg |
Human Nature |
Idle No More Ontario |
Indigenous Environmental Network |
Innostus |
Institute for Social Ecology |
John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute |
Justica Ambiental – JA! |
Kenju no kai to protect the nature of Mt.Takao |
Latin America Solidarity Committee |
Liverpool Friends of The Earth |
Lost Coast League |
MAUSAM (Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality) |
Mid Suffolk District Council, Suffolk Tree Wardens |
Moms Across America |
Nature Canada |
Nature’s Path Foods Inc. |
Niagara Malt LLC |
No-More GMOs – Toronto |
Noah’s Notes |
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment(NACCE) |
Northwest BC Coaltion for Alternatives to Pesticides |
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center |
Organic Consumer’s Association |
pinecone books, etc |
RESTORE: The North Woods |
Round Mountain Music LLC |
Rural Women NZ |
Salmon Forever |
Save Estonia’s Forests |
Sequoia ForestKeeper® |
Shawnee Forest Defense! |
Shepton Farms Ltd |
Sierra Club |
SLB Designs |
Spruill Farm Conservation Project |
Tai Chi 4 LIFE |
Terry A. Papiernik Therapeutic Counselling & Energy Therapy |
TestBiotech |
The European GMO-free Citizens |
The Florida Keys Environmental Coalition |
The Woodland League |
The Enviro Show |
Vermont National Lawyers Guild |
Waterway Advocates |
We the Patriots USA |
Winterhawk Animal Consultations |
WitchHaven Apothecary |
Women of Color Global Women’s Strike |
National Family Farm Coalition |