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Resumen (Chile): Neighbors of Celulosa Nueva Aldea in Quillón denounce bad practices by Forestal Arauco and effects from forest fires

Chilean flag flies in a burned industrial pine plantation
Chilean flag flies in a burned industrial pine plantation in the Manquo community in Chile following the devastating 2017 wildfires. Photo: Langelle

The March 22, 2024 article, written by Nicolás Salazar, can be read in its entirety on the Resumen website. Please note that the article originally appeared in Spanish and can be translated into English using the Google Chrome browser. 

The following is an excerpt from the article: 

One of the communities most affected by the forest fires in south-central Chile in 2023 were the inhabitants of Quillón, Ñuble region. Neighbors of the San Ramón sector, one of the points where the flames started, demand that Forestal Arauco take measures to avoid new incidents. They denounce bad practices by the forestry company, such as collecting fuel material near their homes and properties.

NOTE: the author of the article, Nicolás Salazar, was part of a delegation of the Campaign to STOP GE Trees that travelled to Brazil in 2023. 

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