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Breaking Green: Prepping Together for Climate Collapse with Dr. Tadzio Mueller

November 16, 2023

Prepping for Climate Collapse

Soon the attention of many environmentalists will be focused on the upcoming UN Climate Conference in Dubai. But this is the 28th such conference and the climate crisis continues to worsen. What if Climate Collapse is inevitable?

Dr. Tadzio Mueller

In this episode of Breaking Green we speak with long-time global and climate justice activist Dr. Tadzio Mueller. Dr. Mueller is a political scientist and activist who runs the blog friedlicheSabotage (Peaceful Sabotage).

He believes there is no longer the possibility to avoid significant climate collapse impacts and that the physical and political realities necessitate a rapid and fundamental refocusing of social systems to prepare for these impacts.

Dr. Mueller insists we cannot abandon this future to the fascist powers that will rise as world systems degrade, and will cause impacts to be even more devastating.

He has come under fire from fellow activists who claim his focus on prepping for a future of climate catastrophe is depressing and defeatist.

But he argues that there can be hope and meaning as we find a way to advance our own values and bring light, hope and love into the darkening landscape. He has recently traveled to Sweden to study the Prepping Together movement which he says can be a model for how we chose to respond.

Dr. Mueller’s blog is friedlicheSabotage.net

The following is a 26 second clip from the interview:

[videopress 9Lpw1iGq]

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Transcripts and Chapter Markers for this Episode can be found on: Breaking Green’s Buzzsprout Page.

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