Protests against genetically engineered trees happened at Brazilian Embassies and Consulates all over the world–on six continents–over March and April of this year to tell the Brazilian government to reject FuturaGene’s GE eucalyptus trees. Check out some of these actions below.
Excerpt from Brussels Update, 1 April 2015
Read the whole update and see all the pictures here!
Calling for Brazil to reject GE trees, more than forty participants from the Forest Movement Europe and the global gathering of the Environmental Paper Network protested at the Brazilian Embassy in Brussels today. Read more.
Photos from London, 31 March
Photo tweeted by Graciela Romero (@grarome) at War on Want.
Video and Photos from Miami, 31 March
Report from Melbourne, Australia, 31 March
Friends of the Earth Australia went to the Brazilian Consulate in Melbourne today to call on Brazil to reject FuturaGene’s proposal that would see a massive commercial release of genetically engineered trees.
They picketed and delivered their letters in full animal costumes! The pictures are awesome.
Now is the time to show solidarity with those still fighting in Brazil to protect their land, environment and livelihood from GE tree plantations and to keep the pressure on CTNBio to reject GE trees.
Friends of the Earth Melbourne is part of the global Stop GE Trees Campaign. For more information and the petition to reject GE trees visit:
Check out their full statement with more photos on their Facebook album of the event.
News from Brazil, 5 March 2015
Report from San Francisco, California, 3 March Report from New York City, New York, 3 March
Activists in New York met with the Vice Consul of Brazil, presenting him with an orchid as a symbol of the importance of defending nature from GMOs and GE trees. He was also presented with the protest letter signed by the Campaign to Stop GE Trees, New Yorkers against GE Trees, Indigenous Environmental Network and Global Justice Ecology Project.
Report from London, England, 3 March
Report from Miami, Florida, 3 March
Activists took their opposition to GE trees to the Brazilian Consulate in Miami. Florida is one of the states facing the real threat of GE eucalyptus trees, which GE tree company ArborGen is trialling in the state, and which is targeted for plantations if they are approved by the USDA.
Ottawa, Canada report, 3 March
We held a wintery vigil to stop GE trees today outside the Brazilian Embassy in Ottawa, Canada, March 3 2015. We delivered a letter and the Asuncion statement, which was received by Embassy staff. The letter was delivered by Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network on behalf of the group (the request was for us to send one representative and not take any photos inside the building). The police asked us to remain across the street from the Embassy. I gave an update and shared information with people who came, including with the baby who was really quite content despite the distressing news. We beat the storm and were supported by the many trees in the neighbourhood.
Report from Wellington, Aotearoa (New Zealand), 3 March
From GE Free New Zealand: Our rally in Wellington went really well. We marched to the embassy, chanting “Brazil: No GE trees.” We leafleted some passer-bys and had everyone sign the protest letters. Then we went inside. Up on the 13th floor, a man from the Embassy asked us what was going on and then the Ambassador came out too, and they invited us in. So we went through to their meeting room. Steffan spoke, then a local activist spoke, then Claire Bleakley from GE Free NZ spoke. The letters were passed over and the Ambassador said he would relay our concerns.